News In English

Prime Minister issues Defense Order No. 11

جهينة نيوز -
جهينة نيوز -Prime Minister, Omar Razzaz, has on Sunday issued Defense Order No. (11) for 2020.
The following is the text of Defense Order No. 11 issued under the Defense Law No. (13) of 1992:
In line with the government's policy to gradually mitigate curfew procedures, allow the various productive, service, economic and commercial sectors to operate, to commit owners of entities, citizens and residents to adhere to the utmost caution and precaution, and apply prevention and precaution methods, and to reduce as much as possible practices that may cause transmission of infection among people, I decide to issue the defense order below:
First: 1 - Every person must adhere to the prescribed distancing space, and commit to wearing a face mask and gloves, prior to entering public entities, including ministries, government departments, official and public institutions, or entities where services are provided directly to the public, including companies, institutions, establishments, malls, shopping centers and commercial stores, medical clinics and health centers.
2- Health service providers and service providers in the entities referred to in paragraph (1) of this clause, their co-workers, and workers in delivery services are requested to wear masks and gloves and to deny entry of visitors to these entities without wearing face masks or gloves.
Second: 1- Whoever violates the provisions of paragraph (1) of the (First) Clause shall be punished with a fine of no less than JOD 20 and not exceeding JOD50.
2- Whoever who violates the provisions of Paragraph (2) of (First) Clause shall be penalized with a fine of no less than JOD100 and not exceeding JOD200, and the entity where the violation has taken place will be closed for a period of (14) days.
3- The implementation of the penalty mentioned in this clause does not block the implementation of any more severe punishment stipulated in any other legislation.
Third: No prosecution shall be pursued against any of the persons mentioned in the (First) Clause if he/she pays the minimum fine within a week from the date of the violation.
Fourth: - The Minister of Health is authorized to set the date on which this defense order will take effect and issue the necessary instructions for its implementation.
//Petra// AG
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